Treadmills must be protected against daily wear and tear so as to increase the life span. The treadmill belt which is the most important part of the treadmill must be lubricated once in every 6 to 12 months. If you use any wrong lubricant then it may harm the belt of your treadmill. Treadmill lubricant varies in types like silicone lubricant, Teflon lubricant etc.
Silicone lubricants are used 100 percent somewhere and somewhere it is used in a minimal amount. It is available in both spray form and liquid form. Teflon is a silicone based lubricant provides extra protection against high temperatures, water and excessive friction.
Between these two types, most recommend silicone for better protection and also they are used as widely in the world. Most of the treadmill manufacturer doesn’t require lubrication at all. Some treadmill manufacturer’s pre lubricate the treadmill for using.
So it is better to get professional products from the market as long as you are worried for the same. So visit to get products for your treadmill lubrication.